Jenna Tyler
Romance Writer & Proofreader Extraordinaire

Jenna was born and raised in South/Central Florida. Currently residing in Texas, she loves spending time with her friends and watching tv. She enjoyed writing poems as a teenager, but it was short-lived. She didn’t become an avid reader until…Twilight (thanks to her teenager at the time)...then became obsessed with reading. Her passion for reading led to stories and characters nagging at her. A friend suggested she write it out and so she did. She released her debut novel, Something More, in 2014 and a little novelette, Taught, in 2015. Currently, she is working on 2 novels, Unshakable & a secret one (TBA)...then also Taught 2, and always several more ideas waiting in the wings. (FYI - she's slow and can only focus on one thing at a time.)